Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers day in Texas

Holly, Bruce, Sara and John

Tea Time at Lolas care center

Flynn, Nancy, Joyce and Lola

Our visit to Weatherford started out nice, as you can see we were able to attend a Mothers Day tea with Lola at her care center. She was doing great and we had a nice afternoon. The next day, Saturday, we brought her out to Joyces. That afternoon she suffered another mild stroke or TIA and was admitted to the Weatherford hospital. Along with the stroke they are treating her for fluid retention. We visited with her today and she was in good spirits but will remain in the hospital for several more days. Joyces kids and grandkids were here for a cookout so we got to play with the little boys, they are so cute at this age. Tuesday we fly to Fairbanks. We hear it is snowing there today. I hope some of this Texas heat will follow us up there.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Feel free to take ALL of the Texas heat with you! Just make sure to leave it there when you come back! :)

  3. So sorry to hear that Lola has had another stroke ... She certainly looks good in the pictures, they are coming up full screen now with great clarity ... Flying to Fairbanks, Geez, now I understand Debs comment that "It's like keeping track of a teenager" ... I'm going fishing

  4. It's always great to have Flynn & Nancy stop by. Lola (Mom) is doing better as of today -- Wednesday. I spent the day mowing, trimming, and washing dogs in 90 degree heat. Maybe Fairbanks would be okay right now.
